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Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a group composed of parents, teachers, and members of the student body that offer parent participation at Corpus Christi College Prep.

Lending your time to the Parent Teacher Organization is beneficial for your child. In doing so, you not only help the school, but you become connected; it's the best way to be in the know with what is happening on campus.

PTO tasks are opportunities to meet other parents and teachers, build rapport, and share ideas and experiences.

Volunteering with PTO presents you the chance to apply your skills and hobbies for a noble cause - your child and the community at College Prep.

PTO offers a store on campus, stocked with a variety of products for students. Becoming involved with PTO activities allows you to be part of the solution and help build positive changes by supporting building improvements through fundraising and advocacy.

Your dedication and time will also demonstrate to your child the importance you place on education.

Please contact Debbie Rodriguez for more information on how you can help. | 361.225.4240

